The Theatre Bizarre

The Theatre Bizarre is a 2011 American horror anthology film. The six segments are directed by Douglas Buck, Buddy Giovinazzo, David Gregory, Karim Hussain, Tom Savini and Richard Stanley. The wraparound segments featuring Udo Kier were directed by Jeremy Kasten.

The six stories are presented within a connecting framework, Theatre Guignol Enola Penny is intrigued by an abandoned theatre in her neighborhood. One night the theatre door mysteriously opens and she enters. A puppet host or Guignol introduces six short films. Mother of Toads, I Love You, Wet Dreams, The Accident, Vision Stains and Sweets. As each is shown, the host becomes more human and Enola becomes more puppetlike.I Love You, Wet Dreams and Sweets match the Grand Guignol genre physical or psychological conte cruel horror with natural explanations, cynical, amoral, ironic, sexy or gory in combinations. ........

Source: Wikipedia